Thursday, November 05, 2020

On the Day You Turn Twenty-Seven

 Dear Self,

Thank you for not giving up until now.

The past few months have been so hard on you and for you. You've been on the down-low most of the time, and a lot of the emotions you've been feeling are quite new to you. They overwhelm you to the point that tears suddenly fall down your cheeks. Sometimes you space out because you feel empty and dead inside and it seems that nothing excites you anymore. You shut yourself out because you feel that people, most especially your family, will not understand. You sometimes have thoughts of hurting yourself just for you to know that you still feel. You still do feel so just let yourself feel every emotion. Cry if you need to. Take a day off if you want to. But don't ever hurt yourself.  

I know it's been hard but just hang in there a little more. Not that everything's going to be alright but because you owe it to yourself not to give up after every difficulty you've been through. I know it's been draining and taxing to always keep yourself together but please don't give up.

You can still achieve something. Just take a step back. Look at how far you've come. Look at how far you can still go. It may not seem too obvious now but I believe you can go further. You will go further. In due time.

So for now, just keep on holding on to the things that wake you up each day and the things that excite you even just a little. Do not let your thoughts kill you for you are more precious alive than dead.

Just keep swimming.

Always here for you,

Your Other Self